Hate Didn’t Elect Donald Trump; People Did


Over the summer, my little sister had a soccer tournament at Bloomsburg University, located in central Pennsylvania. The drive there took about three hours and many of the towns we drove through shocked me. The conditions of these towns were terrible. Houses were falling apart. Bars and restaurants were boarded up. Scrap metal was thrown across front lawns. White, plastic lawn chairs were out on the drooping front porches. There were no malls. No outlets. Most of these small towns did not have a Walmart, only a dollar store and a few run down thrift stores. In almost every town, there was an abandoned factory.

My father, who was driving the car, turned to me and pointed out a Trump sign stuck in a front yard, surrounded by weeds and dead grass. “This is Trump country, Tori,” He said. “These people are desperate, trapped for life in these small towns with no escape. These people are the ones voting for Trump.”

My father understood Trump’s key to success, even though it would leave the media and half of America baffled and terrified on November 9th. Trump’s presidency has sparked nationwide outrage, disbelief and fear.

And, while I commend the passion many of my fellow millennials feels towards minorities and the fervency they oppose the rhetoric they find dangerous, I do find many of their fears unfounded.  I don’t find their fears unfounded because I negate the potency of racism. Or the potency of oppression. Or the potency of hate.

I find these fears unfounded because these people groups have an army fighting for them. This army is full of celebrities, politicians, billionaires, students, journalists and passionate activists. Trust me, minorities will be fine with an army like this defending them.

And, I would argue, that these minorities aren’t the only ones who need our help. The results of Tuesday night did not expose a red shout of racism but a red shout for help.

Journalists are now reporting that Trump won because rural America voted for him in droves. I see a lot of journalists reporting about the what, the who, and the how of this election, but not many are tackling the why. I do not at all feel qualified enough to discuss the why of this, but I don’t see anybody bringing up the astounding poverty found in rural America and that the desperation found in these areas is what prompted the rise of Donald Trump. Perhaps this will inspire more intelligent people than I to look into this more deeply.

It’s easy to point to these small, impoverished towns and name racism, the second amendment or plain stupidity as the only reasons why these people would ever vote for a man like Donald Trump. I find this to be highly intellectually dishonest, though. To write this off as simple racism is to ignore the very real and very heartbreaking struggles small town America faces.

The majority of rhetoric going around says that if you’re white, you have an inherent advantage in life. I would argue that, at least for the members of these small impoverished communities, their whiteness only harms them as it keeps their immense struggles out of the public eye.

Rural Americans suffer from a poverty rate that is 3 points higher than the poverty rate found in urban America. In Southern regions, like Appalachia, the poverty rate jumps to 8 points higher than those found in cities. One fifth of the children living in poverty live rural areas. The children in this “forgotten fifth” are more likely to live in extreme poverty and live in poverty longer than their urban counterparts. 57% of these children are white. 

Education, particularly college, is less attainable to those living in rural areas. 64% of young people in rural areas attend college, compared to the 70% of students who attend universities in metro areas. 47% of these small town students who end up attending college only go for a two-year degree, while only 38% of urban students attain only a two-year degree.  And, when these students do fight the odds and attend a university, they don’t come back to their place of origin due to the lack of jobs.

Rural Americans also suffer from a lower life expectancy. Those living in Appalachia regions, in particular, have a life expectancy that is declining at a rate that is worse than anywhere else in the USA. Those living in rural America are more likely to suffer from depression. Alcohol and substance abuse  is prevalent in rural America and 25.9% of those entering rehab for addictions are between the ages of 12-17.  The chronic pain that comes from vocations such as mining has caused the heroin epidemic sweeping small towns.

The most well-known ailment of the rural Appalachian mountain region is mountain dew mouth, which is the rotting of teeth caused by an overconsumption of Mountain Dew. This soda is prevalent in Appalachian culture because it’s cheaper than milk, Mountain Dew originated in the Appalachian region and the water in these areas is often too polluted to drink.  In extreme cases, mothers have even been documented feeding their babies Mountain Dew out of bottles.

Those living in rural America don’t even have access to many of the same services those living in urban America do. This includes health services, like clinics and hospitals, and social services.

Lauren Gurley, a freelance journalist, wrote a piece that focuses on why politicians, namely liberal ones, have written off rural America completely. In this column she quotes Lisa Pruitt, a law professor at the University of California who focuses many of her studies on life in rural America. Pruitt argues that mainstream America ignores poverty stricken rural America because the majority of America associates rural poverty with whiteness. She attributes America’s lack of empathy towards white poverty to the fact that black poverty is attributed to institutionalized racism, while white people have no reason to be poor, unless poor choices were made.

“For better or worse,” says Pruitt, “when we talk about poverty, we focus on black poverty, and we focus on Hispanic poverty. We’ve collapsed our nation’s poverty problem into our nation’s racism problem and it leads us to turn a blind eye to rural poverty.”

For arguably the first time since President Kennedy in the 1960’s, Donald Trump reached out to rural America. Trump spoke out often about jobs leaving the US, which has been felt deeply by those living in the more rural parts of the country. Trump campaigned in rural areas, while Clinton mostly campaigned in cities. Even if you do not believe Trump will follow through on his promises, he was still one of the few politicians who focused his vision on rural communities and said “I see you, I hear you and I want to help you.”

Trump was the “change” candidate of the 2016 election. Whether Trump proposed a good change or bad change is up to you, but it can’t be denied that Trump offered change. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, was the establishment candidate. She ran as an extension of Obama and, even though this appealed to the majority of voters located in cities, those in the country were looking for something else. Obama’s policies did little to help  alleviate the many ailments felt by those in rural communities. In response, these voters came out for the candidate who offered to “make America great again.”

I believe that this is why rural, white communities voted for Trump in droves. I do not believe it was purely racism. I believe it is because no one has listened to these communities’ cries for help. The media and our politicians focus on the poverty and deprivation found in cities and, while bringing these issues to light is immensely important, we have neglected another group of people who are suffering. It is not right to brush off all of these rural counties with words like “deplorable” and not look into why they might have voted for Trump with such desperation.

It was not a racist who voted for Trump, but a father who has no possible way of providing a steady income for his family. It was not a misogynist who voted for Trump, but a mother who is feeding her baby mountain dew out of a bottle. It was not a deplorable who voted for Trump, but a young man who has no possibility of getting out of a small town that is steadily growing smaller.

The people America has forgotten about are the ones who voted for Donald Trump. It does not matter if you agree with Trump. It does not matter if you believe that these people voted for a candidate who won’t actually help them. What matters is that the red electoral college map was a scream for help, and we’re screaming racist so loud we don’t hear them. Hatred didn’t elect Donald Trump; People did.

1,117 thoughts on “Hate Didn’t Elect Donald Trump; People Did

  1. I saw this coming a week before the election. I was #NeverTrump before the election, for many reasons. For most of those who were undecided or not firmly settled on either candidate (and there were a lot of people that fell into that group), the true turning point of this election was Mrs.Clinton’s “deplorables” statement. It was at that point that they decided that she represented the out-of-touch, over-educated, coastal elites who had ignored their complaints for a generation. What I find truly said is that in the 2 weeks since Election Day, I see much teeth-gnashing on the left, but very few people who see the truth. The people who voted for Mr. Trump are, by and large, not racist. They are not haters. They are proud people who are tired of the way they’re ignored, or worse, derided by the “establishment.” Their resentment began growing 8 years ago, with President Obama’s “bitter clingers” statement, and Mrs. Clinton’s “deplorables” speech solidified their feelings into action.
    The worst thing we can do is take pity or sympathy. As I said, these are proud people – they do not want government programs or hand outs. What they want is for government, and society in general, to stop thinking of them as worthless, when it thinks of them at all. They want to be respected, to have their values respected and to have their way of life rewarded again.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Respected, yes. And for this ridiculous pile of steaming poo called bureaucratic regulation to stop painting them into a corner. It is virtually impossible for people who cannot earn dollars in their little tiny towns to trade at all without being viciously attacked by the IRS, backed by the courts, who do not rein the IRS in.

      Bartering is all that is left to them. They cannot get the paper money. Bartering is always discouraged because the element of measurable worth is absent. Two consenting adults might trade a shovel for a law mower – obvious inequity, because they NEED what the other has. Or, they may barter, with old used products, and resent being told that they have to report sales taxes or income taxes on such a trade and create friggin’ paperwork to support the validity of their claims. And let me tell you, while IRS workers and govt agency workers rejoice to create, trade, transport and store PAPERWORK, these folks CAN’T AFFORD the paper, never mind the ink or, never to happen, that they could save up enough money for a computer system that would sport software capable of sorting their books.

      And they can’t apply for help, if they were so desperate that they were forced to ask for help, because they do not have the paperwork to prove that they are poor.

      If you’re an employee, your employer likely has a whole HR dept that provides paystubs with with the weekly breakdowns of your SS, FICA, Workmen’s Comp, and your pay divided up into rates depending on the overtime you did. The rural poor have NONE OF THAT. They go to the hospital in severe emergency, and they can’t get the so-called “Self-Pay” financial assistance that should be available to them, because they cannot document anything.

      Car breaks down? Better hope you’ve been faithful to attend church and maintain relationships. You’ll need a large pool of friends to divide up the rides you’ll need to get through extended treatment for a medical issue.

      The worst of it is that every time I turn around, I’m being soaked by insurance companies, mortgage companies, investment companies, lawyers, accountants, and the tax man. We don’t own our land. If we did, then local govt couldn’t seize it for back taxes. What do you do when your house is so run down because you can’t afford to fix it, that you can’t sell it? Where do you? You’ve got no cash to afford first/last/security deposit on a rental.

      And the feds and the state police are making “policy” which might as well be law, that you can’t sleep/live in your car. So WTF are people supposed to do?

      Liked by 5 people

    2. As someone who is fairly long in the tooth – the New Racism is an invention of the Obama Admin and became a marketing tool for the media. It spawned the associated victimhood and targeting of cops and whites in numbers never seen before in America. Personal accountability and responsibility was always the American way and it is always the key to any success and any greatness. No great society was ever built on guilt and blame. Those who espouse the mantra stay down that well of their own making by and large. Try to pull the cloak of victimhood off and the wailing and tantrums reach ever more cacophonous proportions. They are in the land of “feelings”. Theirs, that is – and the invented feelings of “others” that sustain the cancerous nonsense they hold as valid and dear. Ours has every hallmark of a nation in steep decline – socially, economically – you name it, it’s crumbled and nothing else has taken it’s place of worthy substance. trump represents the last great hope for America with 84% of ALL Counties in our Country voting for him. Most of America by a landslide. Not urbanites in 4 cities in huge numbers of group-think. Americans, State after State. I too, have spent decades going coast to coast by road. America is in terrible shape. Most places have lost their reason for being there and what’s left is a vestige of what was, before. Those of us who pay hearty taxes have had enough of the misuse of our tax dollars. We have an entire generation that doesn’t realize Govt money is the tax money of other people. The old-fashioned values built a great nation and their absence is our decline. Trump and what he brings is our last chance. THAT is what the voters voted for – HOPE with a PLAN. That’s the new America. As long as the belly-achers wail, they believe they don’t have to do anything. Not in the new America. Work. Produce. Volunteer. Repair. Funny how narcissism goes out the window for productive people. One more: Why do people complain? Because they can.” 90% of the carrying on is exactly that (and nothing gets done.) Reality is back in fashion. Thank God.

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      1. How do tax cuts for only the wealthy help with this situation? Honest question, I’m trying to understand how Trump’s economics appeal to poor people.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. I’m responding mainly to Monica B. who asked the question about tax cuts as a reply to your comments. Her post doesn’t have a “reply” option, so I assume my reply will be tagged to your post. First of all, you make good points. This article mainly spotlights impoverished communities, but the premise applies to middle and upper middle class communities too who are sick and tired of taxes wasted in Washington. I don’t know what the statistics are, but I’ve heard that middle class income levels have been reduced, savings and retirement accounts are less, new home ownership is down and startup businesses are fewer. Policy imposed over the last 8 years have robbed the middle class which in turn hurts the poorer in our rural communities. It isn’t about those so called 1% that the left loves to demonize. We are an upper middle class family better off than described in this article, but we run a business and earn less than $250,000. Reminder that Obama kept talking about those earning more than $250,000 paying the highest taxes and those earning less will see relief. No. Add together State and Federal taxes and we pay slightly more than 50% back in taxes except for a few deductions which help lower the effective tax rate a little. We live in a state with fairly lower taxes, so others would have it even worse than we do. Understand that when businesses and individuals are taking deductions thus lowering their effective tax rate, these “wealthy” people have used that money to buy goods and services to keep their businesses and themselves running. Its not cash in hand, its money spent to employ others, spent in our communities and in the economy as a whole. Its money better spent by me than collected as taxes and sent to Washington. Imagine an upper middle class family who has their income cut in half then still pays college tuition not qualifying for assistance, pays healthcare that doubled or tripled in cost with no useable benefit, kids living at home because they can’t find a job, shrinking retirement and savings accounts…….. the list goes on. This situation applies to white, black, Hispanic, Asian families, because of their economic status, but White America additionally got sick of terms like “white privilege”, “racist”, “deplorable” etc. Mainly because they aren’t true. Government doesn’t create wealth and you certainly don’t create wealth by dividing wealth. We’ve never had a tax problem in Washington, we’ve had a SPENDING problem in Washington. When you set aside all the leftist propaganda and actually listen to Donald Trump, you will realize that he has looked at the problem and sees it clearly. Republicans kept talking about small business while Democrats kept heaping the burden on them. It wasn’t hate or racism that supported Trump. It was frustration and disgust for the establishment. He may have difficulty because the wheels in Washington turn more slowly than he’s used to, but I pray he will at least shake it up enough that cooler heads will prevail and partisan hacks will start working for the good of ALL people and not just their voting base. Watch for it and hold them accountable so that they aren’t just campaigning for the next election.


      1. @Ray

        Do you really think that there’s a significant percentage of people that go on to higher education that are indoctrinated into “liberalisms?” There are quite a lot of non-liberal thinking people that get degrees every year.

        It seems like some people are really just against logic.

        For example, coal isn’t coming back and it’s the fault of another fossil fuel, NG. Yet people are holding out hopes of working in a coal mine again. What the heck is that if not illogical?

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Please read the article that was printed with the picture you used from the New York Times. It will help you better understand the real issues and who is trying to help.


  2. Hey – I actually am a lifelong resident of Bloomsburg, the town you are describing, and a graduate of Bloomsburg University. I have a Masters Degree, am a Democrat and did not vote for Trump. But you are making a great point! The support around this area for Trump was not based on racism, but desperation for changes to be made. I have to drive to Washington D.C. to work (and am lucky enough to work remotely part of the time) because there are very few professional jobs around here to be had. People in these areas love their small towns, neighbors, and beautiful mountains that surround them. Very few of them are racist. They just got bamboozled by someone they believed was an outsider (of course, we all know that is turning out to not be true) that could change a system they believe is rigged. We have drug problems, poverty problems, unemployment problems, and on top of that, people looking down on us saying that we are racist and out of touch. That’s neither fair nor true. Thanks for your article!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Also, just for the record, I have never heard of anyone in this area actually having “Mountain Dew Mouth” because we can’t afford milk. Maybe this is a problem in the very poorest regions south of us in Appalacia, I’m sorry to hear it if it is!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I live in Kentucky. I have seen meth mouth, but the first I heard of Mountain Dew mouth was in JD Vance’s book, ‘Hillbilly Elegy.’

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m from the town where Mtn Dew was created in Southestern Va. The tooth decay is more due to meth use and for people whose homes are on well water. The lack of fluoride in the well water is a main culprit for tooth decaying. But yes, there is an overconsumption of Mtn Dew, and yes children are given it at a young age but I’ve never seen babies drinking it in their bottles.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Omg. Mountain Dew mouth. As a person from deep Appalachia I have yet to meet anyone, no matter how backwoods, that gave a baby Mountain Dew because of the price of milk or water. Babies drinking Mountain Dew happens, but it is by deliberately making that poor choice. It’s not because there is simply nothing else available.

        Liked by 3 people

    2. It’s clear that poverty and the promise of a way out are not the reasons why folks voted for Trump, but let’s talk about the poverty in rural America. The details are far too many to list here…but one fundamental reason that poverty rules many states is because the people living there continue to vote for a party that works not for them, but against them. Can you guess which party that might be. I’m sure you know. And now, after decades of believing when instead they should have been observing the actions or lack thereof of their elected officials to create a better way of life, they, once again, voted Republican. Donald Trump will do nothing to change their situation. Trump said what he had to to be elected. It’s just that simple. He simply wanted to be president, and now, he is. Well, there’s your change. And brandy new president. And the folks in Bloomberg, well, their still poor. That wouldn’t change until they do. It’s just that simple.


  3. I absolutely agree that the election of Trump was more about the economic condition of too many Americans than about racism, Islamophobia, and the other “deplorable” behaviors. But sadly, among Trump’s first appointments are a man who considers the religion of Islam “a cancer infected 1.7 billion people” and the leader of a website that harbors white supremacists. And Trump is more angry about the statement of an actor in “Hamilton” than about a group of racists shouting “Heil Trump.” If President Trump truly wants to unite America, he has started off in the wrong direction.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Problem is we’ve been living 8 yrs with a president who thinks nothing of appointing people who feel that way about Christians &/or other groups that are even more a part of this country than the small percentage of Muslims he has been giving, not equal, but preferential treatment to at every opportunity.

      You can’t fix the evil of racism or bigotry by turning it on another group. The only way to effectively teach people that it’s wrong is to teach that it’s always wrong.

      And to stop applying the words racism & bigotry where they don’t fit – ie. criticizing Obama for something you would criticize regardless of who said it does not make you racist.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. There are millions of Christians in this country who support President Obama and always have. The only problem we’ve had is with the minority of fundamentalist Christians who think the Bible trumps the Constitution and who don’t understand what equal justice under the law for ALL Americans means.

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    2. If trump wants to unit the nations people ? are you kidding me? He could care less about how united the people are, the more chaos the better for him because thats when ignorance and fear and desperation run ramped, all the ingredients that have propelled him to be the most successful con man yet to stain the White House lawn. What idiot believes that if we get our manufacturing companies back that people are going to be used to do the jobs, if major corporations even begin to return the the U.S, which is not likely, there going to invest in machines, robobtics that dont need insurance or sick days or vacation or holidays or cost of living raises, etc etc etc, so if you want a job, get retrained and stop waiting for washington to find one for you. I had to retraing at 52 years of age after working in IT hardware for decades, well guess what, all that equipment is disposable now, so back to school i went, if you do nothing, nothing will change.

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      1. You’re missing the point these ppl don’t have the back ground, the opportunity, the knowledge, even a way to access being trained let alone “retained”…yes when I had to restart my life in my 30s, after things fell apart, I went back to school and began a new career. I however, lived in an area with easy access to schools, to transportation, to reliable childcare, these ppl don’t have that. They don’t have access to the numerous urban programs designed to help out ppl that want to get further in life. I guess you could say you are showing your urban privilege….


    3. I wonder … since we know a lot of the vandalism attributed to Trump supporters was actually paid for by soros, what exactly can we put past the whiny millennials? I may agree the direction isn’t quite right; it needs be TOUGHER.


      1. “in the body of ALL Muslims…” That’s right, 1.7 billion of them.He’s saying that all Muslims are radicals, including more than three million American Muslims. If you recall the Gold Star family from the campaign, some of these “radicals” have died in the defense of our country. Check out the graves at Arlington National Cemetery or any other military cemetery and look for the crescents on the grave markers. Tells you all you need to know about how wrong Gen. Flynn is.

        And how do we “excise” radical terrorism? Maybe there’s a clue in that lovely letter written to mosques in several states saying that President Trump will do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews.

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  4. Technology giveth and technology taketh away.
    I grew up in what I still call a small town even though it is larger than most one stop light towns. I love the people there and I love the town but I realized when I was about 14 years old when I was staying summers with my MeMaw who was living on $382 as month, small town living is hard. Life is hard and it is a struggle! Struggle while looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing you can do something about it or sit on you bum and continue to complain about it is your choice. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. Corporate America runs this country. You can like it or not but that is the way it is. Technology giveth and Technology taketh away!!!!!! Before the factory jobs that so much of the small towns are now missing were there, they were farmers. Then came large machines (technology) and replace them in the fields so they want to the factories, then came (technology) and the factories were closed or downsized, then came technology and the sales clerk jobs were replace with kiosks, and the beat goes on. The only way out of poverty is to EDUCATE yourself. Yes, it is hard and it takes time. I worked my entire college and university career, sat my butt in the chair and skipped the party on may occasions. Went back and got a profession license when I was 40, yes again with the butt in the chair reading and learning. Still reading and learning about the ever changing TECHNOLOGY of this global world! It is now coming for accountants and CPAs! Yes technology is king and if you don’t join it, it will leave you behind in a small town. But if you love your small town, which I’m perfectly happy that you do, figure out how to make a living. Work online, grow you own food, recycle and shop local and stay out of WALMART where everything is cheap, yes but everything is imported. You can’t complain about global trade and commerce and demand a factory job that increases costs of certain products (technology products, autos, etc.) and on the other hand demand prices of everything you consume be cheap. Life is hard, to live is to suffer and to struggle and it is not fair, but to grow as a human is to profit from this struggle.
    I will save my comments about the other main point in this blog about racism for a later discussion. All I can say on that point right now is that I heard the N and S and Q words too often in my youth and I’m afraid I still hear them when I return home to my small home town. And for that I am saddened. So all I can say is that “looking at yourself in the mirror, everyday, early and often” is one way to realize you too might have work to do about your fears of all humankind.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Where mechanization couldn’t take over; manual labor jobs emigrated from the USA to 2nd and 3rd world countries due to cheaper labor aka globalization. If that’s your company that “you built” you’d be crazy not to get virtually the same products made much cheaper.

      So I like the tone of your response in that you need to go whet the money is. Suggested reading: “Who moved my cheese”.


  5. Very well written. My kids started noticing this trend over the summer. We own a small cabin out in a rural area. We saw nothing but Trump signs and my kids would make comments about seeing so many Trump signs. Some were homemade signs. Typically in rural areas you do not see or notice political signs in our state but it was very pronounced this year. We didn’t see our first Hillary sign until a couple weeks before the election and it was in an urban area near downtown of the large city we live near. My 15 year old daughter commented “It seems like people in the city support Hillary and people in the country support Trump.” Very observant. The election results map obviously supports this. As far as racism, I feel this was more of a media created aspect of the election. Trump was well liked by the African American community (celebrities, business people, etc) before he decided to run for office. This is well documented. One of my employees who is African American voted for Trump. It was an election like no other I must say. Historic in so many ways. Now the real work begins for Trump. I hope he can deliver and help the people who supported him.


  6. Thank you for giving descriptions of this world that is not condescending or hurtful. (I’ve see “Mountain Dew” mouth, by the way, in a region more than southern than mine.) I’m from an area you described. Myself and my siblings all have college educations, but the job market is slim for such. I’m lucky to be employed as a graphic artist, but I telecommute. The job oppurtunitues are very small for a region like this. People cannot pull themselves up out of poverty when there is nothing to grab onto. The steel mill in our area has been shut down. Why we don’t leave? We have family members in need of our help. Not just financial help, but day to day help. You have to surprise the people of this world with groceries, or they won’t take them. You have to hustle them to the doctor, or they won’t go.

    I’ve never read an article that described our world so well that was not belittling.
    These people are not inherently bad or lazy, they simply have no way to improve their world at this point. They just want a chance to to work their way to a better world.


      1. So, you’re not in the least concerned about the centralized banking, fiat currency devoid of real value, and the business regulation and taxation that are killing us out here? I can’t afford a U-Haul. Since you’re soooo into free stuff from the govt, why don’t you just stop paying the middlemen, the govt office workers and just give me some of that liberal free stuff directly? Obama gonna pay my mortgage? Give me a free cell phone [though I can’t get a reliable signal out here].

        You really have no conception of the poverty. You don’t understand that the govt HAS NO MONEY. It takes it from those who work at the end of a gun. LOWER THE TAXES, STOP SPENDING ON EARMARKS and PORK, REMOVE NONSENSE BUSINESS REGULATION on small business, and end the Fed, property taxes, and the income tax. NONE OF THOSE existed before 1910! America was doing great back then!

        Make the IRS tell the truth about income taxes on wages. THERE IS NO TAX ON WAGES! “Income” is corporate profits, or profits made on the sales of liquor or gambling. Check the back of your 1040EZ. But who of us has the resources to try to make THAT point if we get audited?

        You city folk can always rob a restaurant dumpster. We don’t have restaurants. At least, not affordable ones.

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      2. You are off topic with this gov’t nonsense from the fake news site.

        I’m employed with benefits and don’t live off the gov’t. I itemize on my taxes, were I will pay zero in federal tax due to meeting the $1000 savers credit.

        People in dead towns who have never lived anywhere else are stuck in a rut, paralyzed. I relocated from Minneapolis to semi rural South West Virginia because it happened to me. This was during the recession and felt like I could not do anything right. Was to comfortable not doing anything to change my fortunes, but my money was running out. A change of scenery was in order, so I moved in with relatives in VA. Within a month or so, the jobs came my way. My current field position, my divisions regional HQ is located down the street were I use to live in MN, go figure.

        The rural areas in my county along with neighboring ones are populated with natives who never lived elsewhere. They are economically displaced, live in shacks and scrape by. Many of these folks are bitter, especially that their ancestors were on the losing side of the civil war, along with the changes both economically and social. Many have racist leanings. For the most part are dysfunctional in family unit along with child abuse. Many are not functional to hold a modern job were they would have to interact with the cosmopolitan population. It does no good when trying to attract companies to the area, when pick up trucks are covered in the rebel confederate flag.
        These folks need a change of scenery for the sake of their children.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. In what way? I live in rural SW VA, so I see the dysfunction. When you live all your life in one area, you get stuck in a rut. A change of scenery does wonders.


  7. Spoken like the true white trash that you are… and you are right these people will never be helped, but many more thousands will lose their freedoms and be attacked for who they are. But yes go ahead and feel good about that, you’ve proved the kind of deplorable people that voted for him. Oh and by the way it was still a majority of votes for Clinton.

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    1. There you are. Thank you Jim. As I was reading through the comments on here and seeing for the most part that there was some respectful dialog between people who may disagree. I was shocked. But them I saw your comment and was brought back to reality. There will never be a comment thread were there Is not at least one fear mongering, one sided, hateful, bigoted liberal hypocrite!!
      But hey “love Trumps Hate”

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      1. Interesting. I’m not sure I have ever seen the adjectives “fear mongering, one sided, hateful, bigoted hypocrite used to describe a liberal. To describe Trump supporters? Thousands of times.

        (BTW, love the exclamation points!!!!!!!! They’re so…IDK, fear mongering, one sided, hateful, bigoted conservative and hypocritical?)


    2. The majority of votes went to Clinton. Well yes but that includes California. They have an estimated three million illegals registered to vote. Why isn’t she demanding a recount? probably because during recounts votes are looked at much more closely. These people won’t be helped but many more will lose their freedoms. What freedoms are those? The right to an Obama phone and an EBT card? Yes I voted for Trump and I’m damn proud of it. How anyone could vote for a criminal like Hillary is beyond me. All the racist crap is a total lie. His actions prove it. But you fools believe what you see on CNN and are outraged by Wikileaks. 50 years ago Wikileaks wasn’t needed. Journalists reported the truth, more or less, back then. Oh and who is being attacked for who they are? White Trump voters. Not gays, blacks, women etc. You liberals employ protesters to bring violence to political events. The media is just waiting to paint conservatives as evil. Newsflash moron, this wasn’t an election. It was an overthrow of the government as it exists. Both party’s are to blame and both have sold us out. America has been an oligarchy for over thirty years. Documented fact. And you people think Hillary actually gives a damn.


  8. Great article! Well thought out and very well articulated. It’s so refreshing to see someone, especially a young millennial, actually take the time to try and understand why people rejected Hillary Clinton instead of regurgitating the same old liberal talking points.

    You have given me hope that the next generation of Americans has the ability to formulate independent thought and question the assertions of our liberal education system. Bravo!

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  9. I’m not seeing any suggestions as to how to fix this, in any of the articles I’ve read, or the comments. Just increasing welfare would just be a temporary fix, and is pointed out, the people are proud and don’t want handouts. How do you revitalize a rural town, especially when the industry that supported it (factory, mine, farming, etc.) has left? Just “open the mine/factory again” isn’t much of an answer (though that’s kind of what Trump seems to have suggested with his “return to coal” talk)–it’s hard to force an industry to exist somewhere it doesn’t want to. There are reasons (educated and ample workforce, transit options, suppliers, quality of life, etc.) that businesses are attracted to cities. What can the government (federal or state) do to support this rural population? Some things I can think of, but they all require a lot of [Democrat-style] investment by the government: build and staff rural schools, university extensions, and clinics (pay for staff’s education in exchange for a promise to serve a rural community for x-number of years); or a CCC-style massive infrastructure program that deliberately works in rural areas and hires locally… I imagine Republican solutions would probably be something like, “abolish the minimum wage/unions and the factories will re-open” though 1. even so, I don’t think they can compete with Chinese/Mexican wages, and 2. is paying an American worker $5.00/hour really going to help them? If the response to #1 is “make tariffs so cheap imports don’t flood our markets,” that’s not going to help the rural poor, since it’ll just make everything more expensive… Suggestions?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. These towns are dead, dead and dead. In Minnesota, many folks from the rural areas(Greater MN) moved to the metro for opportunity. After establishing themselves eventually with careers and earning good money, many reinvested in their childhood communities by purchasing vacation/weekend cabins or homes,so their children can experience what it was like where their parents lived as children.

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    2. The republicans have no plans for infrastructure revival. All they care is to gut environmental & safety regulations. privatize medicare/medicaid and later SS. Plus make it harder to vote.

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    3. Govt can’t create jobs! The govt SUCKS MONEY OUT of communities and misspends it on stuff no regular person would ever consider. In case you don’t know this, the government DOESN’T HAVE any MONEY. It only as what it TAKES from YOU!

      Look at Obamacare. In the 60’s, doctors simply gave away about 30% of their time to the poor. No insurance claim forms that took hours to fill out. They simply learned their trade and shared it. Obamacare created 142 new agencies, some of which were created on paper with only a single sentence, and absolutely NO description of the function or limits to the function, of such a building full of office workers. The average federal office worker gets double the pay rate of private sector jobs. Right now, about $100,000 per year. That’s about $1/minute. So, if all these agencies stand between you and a doctor, and they each only look at your request for a doctors appointment for a single minute, you’ve got a surcharge of $142, BEFORE your doctor even does anything for you, and they could STILL tell you can’t see the doctor, even though you know you need him! It’s an insult to common sense! It’s unnecessary and unwise expense that brings the entire economy to a halt for those who don’t live where they can have a $200K/yr job.

      We don’t NEED govt to take away our money, and waste it paying top dollar for things we could have done for less at the municipal or state level. We need the Federal govt to get the hell out of micromanaging our lives into a morass at an expense that is impossible to afford!

      Building codes are a hidden problem. If Federal, or now U.N., codes which are one-size-fits-all and inappropriate for some climates or preferences of a citizenry, are forced onto rural communities, then it prohibits the poor from building what they can afford. Just because a law says we should all live in mansions doesn’t mean it’s financially possible. And we don’t want no friggin’ politician to come to town and GIVE it to us. Just get out of the way! If I want to live in a plywood box, then I should be allowed to do so. If that’s what I can afford, then I can hold my head up.

      You city folks should start watching for missing indigents and homeless folks. I’ve seen photos and video of clusters of abandoned shopping cards with belongings of the homeless shoved into side streets and bushes with tarps put over them. Where are the homeless folks who used to push those carts? Get on Youtube and look up vanishing homeless people. They’re being put in FEMA prisons. Get a U-Haul. Right.


  10. Sorry for sounding surly, but this has been a problem for at least 30 years, and it’s only become a death spiral at the speed of sound since Obama was elected. The value of our nation is being stolen by misuse and unchecked printing of paper money. The average person doesn’t understand this, so they think we just need to make the govt pay for more programs. But that only makes things worse.

    Government can’t do charity. It always comes with a PAID STAFF. Charity is done by volunteers out of the goodness of their hearts, FOR FREE. Charity doesn’t have a large overhead. But the govt is harassing churches and charities now. Obama has been lower the grants (which really should be ended anyway) and changing the application questions and accountability reporting standards for grant recipients, as often as every 3-6 months. For our local charity agency that administers govt grants, it has made it almost impossible to finish an application! And while we are told that we can only use 10% of the grant for administration expenses (filling out that accountability paperwork) they make the paperwork for reporting the effectiveness of the program so difficult and time consuming that we can’t do it!

    Why do they demand so much for accountability paperwork? Because they have to justify their jobs to the next monkey up the administrative totem pole. Paperwork doesn’t create quality of life. IT KILLS IT! But that’s what you get when you can’t TRUST ANYONE!

    When you give something out of kindness, if it isn’t appreciated, you have the option not to help next time. No harm done. Believe it or not, THERE ARE people who shouldn’t get help. The govt can’t make that distinction, and the office workers DON’T CARE, because if even frauds stopped coming in for “help” and “free stuff” then they’d be out of a job if they were honest. But government programs NEVER SEEM TO SUNSET. They NEVER GO AWAY once the budget is established.

    Maybe you don’t remember Bill Clinton putting cost of living increases into spending bills that increase 1% to as much as 4% a year, with no time limit! This means our tax burden INCREASES by 1-4% per year. But they didn’t do that for the Social Security System! I wonder why??? Well, because old folks aren’t going to vote long anyway. They want to give free stuff to the 20-somethings to get them to keep reelecting Clintons.

    The bureaucracy has probably overcome the elected officials at this point. At least with Trump, he knows how to say “You’re FIRED!”


  11. It’s interesting that i wrote a similar post to this on my FB page, using the same picture, on the same day that this particular blog appeared. Coincidence? I think not.


  12. Yes, you’re right. I agree with much of what you’ve written. But the sad truth, the irony, is that the very change “people” believe Trump represents is the exact opposite of what his actions prove. He has never shown even the slightest humanitarian leaning. He wants to help? Help who? It’s always about him. Do your research. He’s a wealthy, egocentric, hypocrite who has absolutely no idea what it’s like to live outside of his 50,000 square foot gilded gold palace… palaces. Plural.

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    1. As someone living in the NY tri-state area I completely agree with you. I think most of the country doesn’t know that part of him because that wasn’t part of the marketing and PR blitz. But all they have to do is some critical digging (a bit more than just asking Siri) and they can assess this themselves. He has never HAD to work, he choose to work. He started with a million dollar backing. There is not one thing in his life that he has in common with people from rural communities with generational poverty. He wasn’t sympathetic to the poverty he saw in his own backyard of NY, why at 70 would he care about the people of Kentucky? I just want people to vote their economic interests. If that is republican fine, but be able to articulate that. Just saying “He/She is an outsider and will shake things up” is politically immature at best and steeped in cognitive dissonance at worst.

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  13. I am writing with an outside view as i am not an American Citizen. The rich and well educated people living mainly in cities go out and demonstrate against Trump after the election. The poor and bad educated people can just vote and hope. They would not been heard otherwise. Trump did take the advantage of these poor people and was exactly hunting for their votes, not to help them for sure. Clinton would be a bad choice too so what would I do? Vote someone I do not want to give my vote? I think the main proplem is the political system and the abuse of social media spreading lies. Americans should stand together as one and not split. It is a social behaviour that is missing in the US and politicians keep it that way for well thought reasons. Their goal is to keep the poor poor and thr rich rich. Why there is crime? Why there is hate? Why there is fear? Why there is terrorism? If you have nothing, what do you have to loose and what choices do you have? Sorry for writing errors, english is not my mother language.


  14. Those towns, and those people have always existed. Obama didn’t create them. Government policies didn’t create them. They are the victims of their own beliefs and approach to life, i.e., their culture. This is the existence that their beliefs and practices have, and always will lead to. They exist in every country, in every era. And they alway will.

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    1. Are you serious about that? You think beeing poor and living in wooden trashy houses is a culture? And no… they do not exist in Europe at all with the exception of thr lybian refugees. Guess what, who created those..


  15. There are so many millions of people out there looking on the negative side of politics that no one knows what to believe. My feelings are neutral in all cases presented here. I am taking a back seat and just sit and wait to see what happens next. A lot of you may be getting the biggest surprise of your life if things turn around and do the country a lot of good for a lot of people mostly for the poverty stricken areas of this country. I am going to continue to pray for our country and its military service members abroad to keep them safe and strong. Also, to get back control of our Police Departments around the country. They need to be retrained to have more patience going after criminals by capturing them not killing them for no justifiable cause.

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  16. Great article by a young lady with wisdom far beyond her years. Excellent comments as well. The question remains, what will the Trump administration do about poverty and federal neglect of rural and small town America? First, he must appoint an honest, highly competent secretary of agriculture to transform the rural sector. Along with restructuring NAFTA, I’d like to see the new secretary propose legislation that would phase out factory farms and genetically engineered crops until they have been proven safe. S/he should apply anti-trust provisions already on the books to break up large corporate farms and create instead the equivalent of a new Homestead Act that would encourage small farmers to grow organic crops while replenishing the soil with nutrients and ensuring a healthy environment, especially clean water. He should also spend a decent amount of new infrastructure money on our small towns, beginning with training current residents to do the work and thus qualify for a good share of the infrastructure jobs. A makeover of rural America was not on Mr. Trump’s list of priorities. But he should not forget the voters whose 3 to 1 margin was the difference that made him president.


    1. I would love to see a focus on rural areas and small towns. I will say that this election has highlighted that need for me. Infrastructure work would be a good start and transitional work (once the infrastructure is built they would need to be able to move into something else). I would like to see a modern day Roosevelt type of plan that would address the infrastructure, agriculture sector (getting corporations out of farming) and education. We have to ensure that the children in those areas will be competitive in the future. We are one country, no matter what part we live in, and we need to work together to grow through this.


      1. Why should we pour money into a bunch of small towns? I grew up in a rural area, left to go to college and never went back. A lot of these places need to just die out. If you want to live in the country and commute to a job in a larger place nearby fine. The thing is, a lot of people want to be able to get a job that pays good money with a high school education at most. Those days are gone.


  17. There are many articles portraying rural America as this destitute valley of uneducated, penniless, sickly yokels that can’t keep a clean property. I want to say someone else is painting that image but IT’S US?

    “We’re so forgotten. Read this article about how incapable we are? We voted this way or that because all of our houses are caving in. We give our babies soda because of milk prices? Don’t forget us. Help us?” I’m so insulted. We have problems but we are not ^^^^ this ^^^^

    I have lived in very large cities and I can say honestly the wealthiest person I have met lives on the top of a mountain. Titan, the fastest computer in the world, is 45 minutes away in Oak Ridge. The biggest solar panels I’ve ever seen are a mile from my childhood home. The most beautiful properties big and small are on dirt roads in Speedwell. The most blue blooded liberal I’ve ever known graduated with 75 people. My circle of friends were more ethnically diverse at 18 than most boardrooms. There is a medical school sitting next to a cow pastor in the heart of my hometown and that University has a MASSIVE college exchange program with Japan. The community college in the next town over has the second largest telescope in the state. We have the oldest golf course in the country 15 minutes away in deep deep Appalachia. Not to mention people FLOCK here to vacation and move here to escape the city which leads me to believe it’s not too forgotten.

    Overall what I’m wanting to convey is that Rural America is not a white, underprivileged, uneducated, forgotten people. We are all races, from all backgrounds, with various beliefs, and have the same problems as everyone. Though no one sees our diversity because all anyone is told is that we are a hot mess. I truly feel more often than not we have our shit together as well as most places and better than some. I’ll keep saying we are more than our struggles though they are verrrrrry real. I just wish the country knew more than our hardships.

    Rural American hometown of 4,500.

    #nothopeless #nothelpless #notpitiful #notforgotten #BLESSED !!!!!!!!!

    #dontpittyus #educatedsoutherner #Corryton #Speedwell #knoxville #Harrogate #AppalachianMountains #rurallife #Tennessee #EastTennessee #vacationdestination #ruralamerica #forgottenvotter #stillhere #foxnews #politics #donaldtrump #HillaryClinton #whitevote #racist #racistvote #racism #Southernvote

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  18. How Red or Blue is America? Popular vote or Electoral College? If we look at the map and see just how Red the country has become and then just for argument’s sake let’s remove California (55 electoral votes) and New York (29 electoral votes), then what do we have? Trump-306, Clinton-148. So let’s reassess what color the country really is when the liberal elitist states are removed and it is just us real people left voting. Flyover country is not to be ignored or forgotten as they have spoken.


    1. So, are you saying that the people of California and New York are not real people? Seriously?

      California and the other two west coast states plus Colorado to name a few are driving the new 21st century economy with innovation creating new industries. CA has already created nearly 400,000 new jobs at nearly twice of TX this year. Yes, Libtards as you call them created the iPhone that you all take for granted and are now working on perfecting self driving vehicles.

      Is it our fault that the state legislatures in the rust belt and southern states have taken the opposite approach by cutting spending to pay for tax cuts for the well off? You all need to take stock of your own lives instead of blaming others.

      84% of the counties are rural in nature. U-Haul is not difficult to find.

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      1. Rural people should not have to move to the overcrowded cities to get by. If midwest states are allowed to operate relations with business with the minimum of regulation (only safety, necessary environmental, and legality), then businesses will come. Right to work help South Carolina. Workers should, as in the beginning, choose if they want to be unionized. Unions should be local, totally barred from political contributions or lobbying or striking on any issue not directly related to their members and only with a vote.

        Labor unions were born in my Dad’s workplace. Who would have believed that those same unions would end up being run by technocrats who would, after telling the men to pull the straight Democratic ticket, collude with USSteel and the Dems by shutting the mills down and going south to were cheap new immigrant labor was available. They made every demand except that they refurbish the Western PA mills. And our towns in the Monogehela Valley nearly became ghost towns. Today Pittsburgh is one the US’s most amazing and inbovative city, and many of those mill workers and their professional, college grad kids pulled a GOP lever for the first time in their lives.

        A nightmare would be to see my homeown turn into New York or LA.


      2. If you don’t want to move fine, but quit complaining if jobs don’t come by. Extraction towns for the most part are dead.

        Did right to work really help South Carolina? Still a cesspool to race to the bottom. Should the Chamber of Commerce and other corporate associations be barred from lobbying to? I guess you want to live in a tyranny society were organizing and striking are illegal.

        The mills were shut down due to competitive market reasons, not because of a conspiracy. They were not needed. Not all industries last forever.

        NY and LA are the economic engine of this nation.

        Fake news is a disease and annoyance plaguing the desperate.

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      3. MountainDweller I do suggest to my family members they move if they have been unemployed for several years and are not retooling with new skills, Historically millions of people have left countries when the economics of their country wasn’t putting food on their tables. America is full of the descendents of those people.

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  19. While I agree with some of your article, I have never heard of the most well known ailment “Mountain Dew mouth”. I have lived in extreme Southwest Virginia my entire life, except when I was in college. Yes, I did go to college, not for two years, but four and then went another two for my Masters. I teach school and have seen many children with rotten teeth, but not from Mountain Dew. It’s from lack of affordable dental care. Your article seemed to portray us as “poor Appalachian Americans”, just like so many others have. I’ve got news for you, take a drive through my small town. You won’t see scrap metal tossed in yards, or plastic chairs sitting on drooping porches. We do have a high unemployment rate, a lot of people have moved from the area because of coal mines and related jobs closing, BUT, you will see proud people who are trying hard to keep families and homes together. People who are proud of who they are, where they’re from and who resent “another person” who drives through, one time, and decides to write about the “poor Appalachian Americans”.


  20. Poverty in rural America is nothing new, but is has worsened over the last several decades… especially in the rust belt. Liberals don’t like to talk about this problem, because the voters are too scattered, and the liberals have no idea how to solve the massive problem. The liberals like to take smaller problems and spend billions amplifying those problems on a colossal scale, so that they can then save everyone from these colossal problems. Every conservative in America is not a racist, or any of those other names Hillary Clinton calls deplorable, The liberals spend all their time and money creating an illusion of a problem, just so they can claim to be the great savior. Sure… racism exists, but not on the massive scale that they want you to believe. Its all about getting votes… not actually solving actual problems. It’s all one great big illusion. Climate change… same thing. Create a climate change panic pandemic, and tell the people that you’re the ones that people had better vote for, because the conservatives just don’t care. The truth is, global temperatures have had peaks and lows over the last 500,000 years. This is verifiable using data collected from ice core samples. We just happen to be at one of the peaks, that happens just like clockwork… albeit a really slow clock. I remember in the 70’s, the same people were convinced that the next ice age was imminent. The Democrats have been so busy creating illusions of massive problems, just so they could solve them, that they lost sight of Americas real problems. Trump won because Americans saw a person that finally saw the same things they did. Hillary lost because she was too busy working on the big illusions,


  21. “I find these fears unfounded because these people groups have an army fighting for them. This army is full of celebrities, politicians, billionaires, students, journalists and passionate activists. Trust me, minorities will be fine with an army like this defending them.”
    This is humorous. Let me see who is in my contact list from this group to defend my family and students….mmmm….no one.
    On a my serious note…Trump will not help the poor of any color. You have dismissed how Obama saved our economy. I know that is not a politically correct statement. He just tried to increase overtime for the working class. Who shot it down? The Republicsns…..the true enemy of the poor.

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  22. Thank you for your thoughtful essay…as a divinity graduate familiar with white poverty, I appreciate your insight into what many Americans choose to ignore: the classism in America. Could you please identify the sources for your statistics?


  23. How dare you. You don’t get to visit our towns and tell everyone in the world how pitiful we are. Dew Mouth. So irresponsible of you. We are an impressive culturally rich community bigger than these struggles. Every community has problems and maybe you should report on your neighborhood’s Root Beer Belly and stay out of ours. Especially so you stay safe from all the scrap metal.


  24. Excellent observations. You went viral for good reason. You avoided bias and you thought about the problem using a little research and a lot of common sense. Well done!


  25. Truly attempting to be constructive here….

    I think everyone would really love this Ted Talk. Mostly this young lady though. I feel if you can grasp this video it will aid in your career. You are obviously an intelligent person.

    Julia Galef: 10 minutes
    Why you think you’re right — even if you’re wrong

    I am showing you this because as I read your article the story playing in my head was not of Rural America but the story of you. I asked myself these questions as I read.

    1. Was the writer in search of a new story. “This new place is very different and I can see myself really uncovering something here that would be exciting to write about. But how will I tie this into something I already of some knowledge of and won’t be going in blind? I know about my political feelings sooo.”

    2. How did the writers political mind develop? “I really look up to my dad. He such a good person and I see his kind deeds. He is good so what he says has to be right or he would not be good. And now that I’m grown I have studied enough to know that truly is how I personally believe without bias.”

    3. How did the writer meld her new experience in with another topic she wanted to discuss? “Well I do see a lot of Trump signs. I believe Trump’s policies. These are the people who won the election according to the news. My article will be so intriguing. While having a new experience I seen a sign sharing my beliefs and on top of that this is in the news and relevant. I’ll do some digging.”

    4. Why did the writer add in colorful information such as an article she found on soda? “Wow I’ve found some truly accurate information that needs to be shouted from the roof tops. But honestly it does need a little spicing up. I mean I not only want to shine light on an issue I truly want to drive home that I believe Trump is great man. I want to help. I want to write. I want to politic. I want to be interesting. I WANT TO BE READ. So this is the story that unfolds.”

    Your blog post was not journalism because you were using motivated reasoning on several levels. If it were journalism you would not be using your opinion. Though that would have been a boring read and not at all soothing to your soul. So it’s ok to blog but don’t only use your power of persuasion to bring in readers. Perhaps even see journalism like this here is the story blablabla and here is the boring evidence. Don’t be eager to only see one side or more importantly push your side to solve a real issue?

    Like it says on the Ted Talk be a scout. Just watch it and you’ll see.


  26. I know at 19 seeing the negative comments must be hard. It’ll never be easy to be a writer and see them but in ten years it won’t be so awful. I wanted to see if you would consider not deleting them. You have a huge group of cheerleaders that will lift you up. They are your audience anyway.

    However you have greatly offended a lot of people. Those people like to be heard as well. You really did push your political beliefs to pursued a reader to feel that your theory is the only one that will repair an actual crises that has gone through every president. Appalachian poverty has existed since the first European settled here much less your drive thru.

    So you’ve offended people. An old saying you’ve heard a million times seems needed. If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. If your going to be a writer and choose to offend people you need to see and show their replies.

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  27. I just don’t understand why so many people just don’t the Donald J. Trump appeal? It is like you liberals are living in another universe. In my world he is a hero!
    This is what happened in my world.
    It is not hard to see that illegal aliens are taking over the construction jobs, PLAIN & SIMPLE. I was a Contractor who got out of the construction business because (Colorado) I framed houses for $5.00-$8.00 a square foot & Illegals did it for $2.00 a square foot! So don’t tell me that white Americans don’t want to do the jobs that illegals do. I have worked as hard as any illegal. You white liberals make me sick! It is not just construction but in many different trades. How can we compete & pay taxes when illegals don’t. The playing field is stacked against Americans. This is just one aspect of why Americans are for trump, there are many more examples that would take a lot longer letter than this. I have got to tell you that I am optimistic for the first time since Reagan about Americas future, GOD BLESS AMERICA & DONALD J. TRUMP


  28. This is an interesting article. However if there are no longer any jobs for you in your area you may have to move OR get training in something that offers a chance at a different job. I sympathize with these folks, but they don’t have a lot of options. I had to do it as a single mom with three kids. It worked well for me.

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  29. I’m a little late on reading this; and I have just a little bit to say. Rural America is country wide. It isn’t just the Appalachian areas, it is also the southern areas, the northern areas, the west, the east, and every place in between. And how was Trump elected? Through hope. Hope that our world would be better than it is now. Hope that healthcare would be provided through jobs that would be provided. The Administration now has always played with the numbers dealing with unemployment and the poverty line. A man earning just under $11 an hour and working 40 hours a week can barely provide for his family nowadays. The jobs are scare in the rural areas and when there is a job, it only pays minimum wage. I have felt the pain of hunger, hopelessness, homelessness, and extreme poverty. It wasn’t always like that for me. But for the last six years it has been my life. We had to move from a rural town in the south to a larger city in the midwest just for a chance for a job. We rent an income based apartment. My husband works. We qualify for state healthcare which is a blessing since my husband is Type 1 Diabetic. That was another reason we had to move; we needed healthcare to keep him alive because we couldn’t afford over a $1000 a month for his insulin. So I see the rural America’s pain because I experienced it. I’m never shocked by the dilapidated homes or untended yards. And the sad fact that soda is cheaper than milk and juice makes it worse. And many of us never qualified for state aid for food, etc. It a sad estate of affairs….and that in why America voted for Trump. We wanted hope and no more oppression. Being poor sucks! And it doesn’t make a difference if you are well educated or not. I have a college education, but there were no jobs where I lived. Or even where I am at now. I am usually “over-qualified” for the job. Then there are those who want any job, but the jobs have moved away, usually overseas. Trump’s penalty for companies closing down their factories and going overseas was one of the points that struck a chord with us “rural people”. Since the late 90’s and early 2000’s companies have laid off thousands of employees to open up factories in other countries just to save a “buck”. An example is The Casket Company in Batesville, MS. It’s been in that town for decades and offered well paying jobs. Now it is closing its doors, laying off over 500+ employees (and in a town of only a few thousand that is substantial) and moving to Mexico where caskets can be made “cheaper”. When Trump said “let’s make America great again”, it was the people who remembered the life we had when jobs were plentiful, when healthcare was affordable, when companies offered benefits, when American companies stayed in America, and when our particular religious faith wasn’t attacked.
    If anyone would sit back and view what happened with the election they would see it was the silent majority that finally spoke.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Dear Victoria,
    I just found your blog post, and I found it an amazing read.
    I’m from Hungary, and I did not dig myself into the intricacies and everyday changes of the American election campaign. I looked at analyses which were supposed to be very accurate about the outcome, and was just as baffled as a lot of people when results started to come in from some of the key states.
    Thank you for taking the time to write such an insightful post about Trump’s victory. It made me think, and you are absolutely right: everyone was/is going on about who voted for Trump, but much less articles about WHY so many people did so (especially knowing how large a proportion of white people that included).


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